Send The Word of God to the Unreached Peoples
There are over 5,000 people groups that still need to be reached with the message of the Gospel. They don't know who Jesus is. They don't have the Word of God, so they can't even imagine all that Jesus has done for them so that they might have eternal life. Bowman Ministries sends the Word of God to the most remote peoples on the planet. You can partner with Bowman Ministries to send Bibles, intercede for the Lost, and even travel to places like Mongolia to work with our mission partners.

How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Those Who Bring The Good News!

Bowman Ministries is a Mission Montana Partner
Proclaim Salvation To The LOST
Serve the Lord
Love One Another
Help us reach the most remote peoples!.
Consider going for Jesus! Take a trip with our mission partners.
Work with fellow Believers in Montana to reach the world and show the love of Christ.