Our Annual Kingdom Conference

Montana Mission Fellowship exists to proclaim the salvation of God through Jesus! We are believers serving the Lord in Montana, on a mission in the Treasure State.

It's Free! Join us. Here are the High-lights
August 8th
6:30pm Old Time Revival Gathering A time to sing, pray for our nation, and enjoy an encouraging Word.
August 9th
Activities All Day Long 12:30pm We will be traveling to Helena to pray through the Capital and pray for our State
7:00pm Evening Gathering of singing, prayer, teaching, and encouragement
August 10th
LIVE Missionary Testimonies from Around The World - throughout the day
Fun Family Time * Gold panning, Rock Hounding, Tube the River, Fishing
7:30pm Evening Gathering of singing, prayer, teaching, and encouragement
August 11th
10am Morning Gathering! Sing, Worship, Praise, and Preaching
*lunch to follow

A Time for REVIVAL!
August 8th-11th for 2024
Mission Montana
Prayer Challenge
Carry One Of The Unreached Peoples
Cry Out To The Lord For Salvation
Continue Loving An Unreached People
There are hundreds of People Groups hidden in plain sight. They have never heard the Name of Jesus. You, We, I, will carry them in prayer for three days.
God will hear our cry. The Lord Jesus will loose His forces of good to reach the lost when we cry out in earnest intercessory prayer for their souls.
After spending this precious time in prayer for an unreached people the Lord Jesus may give you an ongoing burden for them. Consider taking this people before your church. Consider asking your family to pray for them. Consider God's calling. Should you go to them?
Carrying The Lost in Prayer 24 Hours A Day For 3 Days

Complete Schedule of Events
Kingdom Conference 2024
Garrison, Montana August 8th- 11th
Schedule of Events - It’s all free, so join us at any time you are able.
Thursday, August 8th
Roll in
3:30 - 5:00pm Family Time. Free time to set up campers, & tents! Fun Activities!
Steele Forging - learn how to forge a Tomahawk / Holy Boards Games / Gold Panning
5:00 pm Evening Meal
6:30 pm Old Time Revival Meeting
Friday, August 9th
The Camp Cook Fire will be started and going by 7:00 am. People are able to cook over the fire, cook breakfast in their campers or travel to one of the local restaurants.
9:00 am -It starts with worship and prayer. “Carrying The Peoples.” How much can our prayer accomplish? Teaching by Justin Michels with discussion to follow - This is the start of our around the clock prayer for the lost and unreached People Groups.
*Children & Youth Ministry through service
10:00AM LIVE Video call with Emmanuel Masamba in Malawi Africa - How is God moving in Africa? *the youth will be able to interact with Pastor Emmanuel
11:00am – Free Time at Camp - Go Meet Your Church Family! * Activity Areas are open
12:00pm – Lunch- Build your own sandwich and salad bar
1:00pm – Going to the State of Montana Capital in Helena, Montana - praying for our State, Governor, and Leadership. Worshiping Jesus at the Capital
4:30pm – Activity Time! Rock Hounding, Tubing Down the River, Fishing, Gold Panning
like to do their own events.
6:00pm – Breaking bread Together – Evening Meal
7:00pm MAIDAR DAVAA REPORT from Mongolia & Siberia
7:30– Evening Meeting – Worship and Message - A Worshiper Can Change the World
*Children & Youth Ministry through service.
9:00pm Fellowship and Prayer around the fire - Praying all night long!
*prayer teams will gather around the fire for 3 hour shifts, the three watches of the night
12am – 3am Second Watch, 3am -6am third watch
Night Youth Games - 9-10:30
Saturday, August 10th
7 am – Breakfast around the fire. Bring bacon, sausage, and hash-browns WE HAVE THE EGGS COVERED!
8:30am – PRAKASH TAMANG -Sharing from NEPAL
9:00am – Worship, teaching, and discussion.
How will the Montana Churches of God thrive?? Produce fruit! Reach Montana! Nursery Volunteers needed 9:00-10:00
*Children & Youth Ministry Saturday, August 10th continued
10:30 am Dennis Yoder - Report on Mongolian Team Trip - Reaching the Siberian Peoples
Presenting the peoples – Learning about the People Groups that we have been called to reach. Calling on the Lord to give wisdom and direction on how to reach these peoples.
12:00pm – Lunch- Build your own sandwich and salad bar
1:pm - *Can your family be a Champion for a people group? Can your Church?
Will your Church raise up CHURCH PLANTING FAMILIES? WHO WILL GO FOR JESUS!!! What are the obstacles that we need to pray through?
*Youth Break-Out Time
*Testimonies from active service. Caring for thousands of Ukraine War refugees in Moldova.
*Children & Youth Ministry through service
4:00pm – Worship and praise - Consider what God is saying. Possible Baptism Service
5:00 pm – Fellowship and Food – Evening Meal
6:30 – DURBASHA Luitel - Reaching the Remote Peoples of NEPAL
*Children & Youth Ministry through service- Kids talk with Durbasha.
7:00pm – Evening Meeting – We will start the meeting with a word from Lairab in Pakistan 7:15 pm - Worship, Time in the Word, Exhortation & Praise
*Children & Youth Ministry through service
9:00pm – Fellowship around the fire - Praying all night long!*prayer teams will gather at upper fire for 3 hour shifts, the three watches of the night
12am – 3am Second Watch, 3am -6am third watch
Night Youth Games - 9-10:30
Sunday, August 11th
7 am – Breakfast around the fire. Bring bacon, sausage, and hash-browns WE HAVE THE EGGS COVERED!
9:00am – What is God calling you to do? What will your Church do? How far will you go? Every Church will meet to discuss ACTIONS that they WILL take to advance the Kingdom of God in the coming year. They will then share that with the Assembly when gathered for Sunday worship.
*Children & Youth Ministry through service
10:00am *Sunday Morning Worship, Time in The Word, Exhortation, Prayer service.
Children and youth with their families
12:00pm – Sunday Dinner ~ Breaking Bread Together
1:30pm –End in song -closing prayer & dismissal - This could be done a Baptism Service as well :)
Contact Us
We want to talk to you! Reach out. For any inquiries or prayer requests, please feel free to send us an email. We are here to serve and support you in your journey of faith. Let us walk together in the love of God.