Mission Montana Kingdom Works
"Do not grow weary in well-doing for in due season you shall reap a harvest."

MissionMontana Kingdom Works
Proclaim Salvation- To The End of The Earth!
Serve the Lord - Outdoor Ministries
On Mission To Make Disciples
Rom 10:14-15 How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, "HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THOSE WHO BRING GOOD NEWS OF GOOD THINGS!"
We are working to carry the Good News of God's Salvation to our fellow Montanans and to remote people groups around the world. We are growing the Kingdom of God with each heart that Believes!
As Montanans we love living in the Treasure State! The Glory of God is certainly seen in the handy work of His glorious creation. We use the outdoors to create ministry opportunities. Men's Fishing Retreats, Family Camps, Kingdom Conferences, Big Tent Revivals, Youth and Kids Camps, and outdoor services. It takes a CREW to make it all happen.
By using the great outdoors we see people participate that may never darken the door to a church building. By meeting people where they are we can share the Gospel with many more of our fellow Montanans.
Jesus commanded us, Mat 28:19-20 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
Making Disciples is more than making a "convert". We want to see people grow from being a Believer, to a Follower, and ultimately a WORSHIPPER of the One True & Living God. God desires worshippers who will worship Him in Spirit and Truth!
Wherever you are - THAT IS YOUR MISSION FIELD! Our team is ON MISSION here is Montana. All Christians are called to be a part of the great rescue mission to save the Lost from destruction. Our group works in many countries around the world, working to reach the most remote and unreached people groups.

Montana Mission Projects
Father & Son Retreats
Join us in serving the Lord through various projects in Montana. Together, we can make a difference in Montana families! Father and Son Retreats is a special project of our team, and we are hoping to see this ministry grow.
Bible Fellowship Initiatives
Get involved in our Bible Fellowship initiatives as a way to GROW in faith, hope, and love. Join a LIFE group that meets each week. Mission Montana knows that the Word of God will change your life, because it changes ours every day. Life Groups are a place of study, prayer, and worship. Contact us for more information. Our goal is to spread Life Groups that create an inspired Bible Fellowship. We have FELLOWSHIP with one another by the power of His Spirit when we gather to look into His Word.
Mission Montana works to send the Word of God to people groups around the World who do not have Bibles. How would we know God without His Word? How would we know His Promises? His Love! Providing the Word of God and seeing Bible Fellowships start around the world is a top priority.

Large Scale Evangelism
Revival is available! God is able to heal our land, reach the hearts of our friends and neighbors, and transform families! Mission Montana has a calling to GO OUT to our fellow Montanans with a message of FAITH, HOPE, & LOVE!
The annual Kingdom Conference is a way to share the Good New of Jesus. It's all about the Kingdom! We aren't concerned about adding to our numbers, we are wanting to add souls to the KINGDOM OF GOD. God will lead them to the Church Family that they need, but most importantly, they need to be BORN AGAIN!
The Mission Montana Team is hoping to be used by the Lord as a "lightning rod" of faith across our state. We want to call Montana to serve the Lord Jesus with their whole heart, soul, mind, & strength.

A Calling To Men's Ministry
Men need to be reached for Jesus! We need the leadership of men to return to our land! Leading their families to Jesus. Serving their wives with Christ like love! We need Godly men to take up their critical role as fathers.
Mission Montana Bible Fellowship has led state-wide men's ministry for many years, and we look forward to a growing movement of strong and Godly men serving the Lord Jesus, their family, and the community around them.
Contact Us
For inquiries about our mission in Montana or to connect with fellow believers, please feel free to reach out. We look forward to talking with you!